Teeth Whitening
Are you confident with your smile? Your smile is the way you greet the world. Studies have found that when meeting someone for the first time, you are more likely to notice a person’s smile over attributes such as eyes, height or figure. While you have many options to improve the appearance of discoloured teeth – the safest, most effective treatment will be given by your dentist.
What is teeth whitening?
Teeth whitening involves whitening / bleaching the teeth to lighten their colour. Not all teeth are suitable for whitening and it is important that you check with your dentist before trying any whitening products. Whitening products typically use either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to remove the discolouration. Only dental practitioners can legally use the most concentrated – and thus more effective whitening solutions.
What causes discoloured teeth?
There are many causes of tooth discolouration. Some of the most common include consumption of highly coloured foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, tumeric, berries. Some medications, aging, smoking and trauma can also cause the appearance of your teeth to discolour. It is important that you check with your dentist first as whitening is not recommended if you have sensitive teeth, if you have gum disease or shrinkage; if you have exposed dentine, cracks or cavities; crowns, veneers or fillings / restorations that are in your front teeth.
Teeth Whitening Procedures Options
We have 2 options available at Earl Dental (previously Sandie Earl Dental) – In-chair or Take-home using Phillips Zoom Whitening products.
In-chair whitening is a great option for anyone who is time poor and who would like immediate results. This appointment can take between 1 1/2 – 2 hours.
Take- home whitening is a great option for those who have had whitening done before and just want top up before an important event, or if you prefer to do it at home using your customised trays over a period of 1 – 2 weeks. It is important that once you have had the procedure done that you refrain from eating / drinking heavily pigmented foods or drinks for a short period of time.
What are the side effects?
Teeth whitening can greatly improve the look of the colour of your teeth however it is very important that you discuss your suitability and likely outcome before proceeding. The most common side effects, which are often temporary include – tooth sensitivity and gum sensitivity. We encourage the use of sensitive toothpaste before and after the procedure to help minimize the chance of sensitivity occurring.